Using HyperCFG 5-7
Copyright © 2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
Display Options This option determines how the data displays. This option is valid only for /I.
/W[o] Prints the dump for the /I option.
The [o] field can be either of the following:
V Prints the dump in Verbose mode
Default option: If [o] is not specified, then data displays as a HEX
/F<fn> Redirects the output to a file ‘fn’ (for filename). The default filename is
/Y[x][fn] Logs to the given filename ‘fn’.
The default for ‘x’ is ‘f’. The default filename is hypercfg.bin.
The [x] field can be either of the following:
f Logging is done only for errors. This is the default.
c Continuous logging is done.
1. Note: The exit code can be modified using the qualifier /Q. When /Q is specified, configuration-related com-
mands return ARRAY COUNT on SUCCESS. In all other cases, ERROR LEVEL is returned. All the other
options except /S, /F, /$, /B, /@, and /W have the default argument as zero.
/C[n] /D[cd]
[Drive ID]
/C[n] /D[cd] specifies the drive ID.
/C[n] Specifies the card number where the drive is present.
[n] is the card index, starting at 0, 1, 2...
/D[cd] Selects drive for /R, /I, /L, /E, and /P options.
Possible values are as follows:
c Port Number (0 or 1)
d Device ID (0 or 1)
/C[n] /D[cd]
If ‘n’ is not specified then the sector number is 0.
/B dumps the specified sector to the specified file in BIN format.
/$ dumps the specified BIN file to the “nth” sector.
The default filename is hypercfg.bin.
/I[a] [/C[n]] [/D[cd]]
Displays identify device packet for specified drive.
/Ia Displays ID Device Packet for all drives present.
/B[Filename] Specifies to dump the 512 byte identify data to
/B option should not be specified with /Ia switch.
/P[s][/C<n>][/D<cd>] Switches the drive to the specified power state. The default is powered
on in the Active state.
The possible value for [s] is:
[s] = S The drive is powered on in the Suspend state.
Table 5.1 HyperCFG Options and Attributes (Cont.)
Options Description