TO START A SETBACK: Ensure that the System Mode switch is in either the Heat
or Cool position, and that the Set Slider is in the RUN position. Press and hold
the SETBACK button for at least 2 seconds. The screen will change and show the
words “HOURS LEFT” and “OVERRIDE”, along with two digits. Use the UP/DOWN
buttons to set the duration for how long you would like to maintain a fixed set
temperature (from 1 to 12 hours). If you would like to set the duration for longer
than 12 hours, keep pressing the UP button. The display will change from
“HOURS LEFT” to “DAYS LEFT”, with an available duration of 1 to 30 days. Once
your desired Setback duration is shown on the screen, you can either wait for the
screen to advance forward on its own, or press the NEXT button (behind the door)
one time to jump ahead rapidly. Now use the UP/DOWN buttons to select your
desired set temperature that will be used for the Setback duration. Just like the
previous step, you can either wait for the screen to advance on its own, or press
the NEXT button to advance and return to the Normal Run screen.
TO CANCEL A SETBACK: While in the Normal Run screen, press and hold the
SETBACK button for at least 2 seconds. The word “OVERRIDE” will disappear
from the screen and the Setback will be cancelled. Moving the System Mode
switch or Set Slide switch, will also cancel a Setback.
SPECIAL PROGRAM FEATURE: The Special Program operates in the same manner
as the normal heating and cooling programs do, however the Special Program
activation is temporary, for a selected number of days (1-30). The Special
Program period times and temperatures can all be set to different values to
accommodate a wide variety of usage circumstances that may occur, such as:
being home for a couple days instead of at work, or a vacation cut short. This
feature eliminates the need to temporarily alter the normal temperature program
settings that continue to be used most of the time. The heat Special Program is
set in HEAT mode, and the cool Special Program is set in COOL mode. The
“number of days remaining” counter decrements by one day, every 12:00 AM
NOTE: Just like the regular temperature programs, The Special Program has 4
separate periods for both Heat and Cool mode (MORN, DAY, EVE, and NITE). If the
thermostat is configured to use only 2 periods per day instead of 4 (HARDWARE
SETUP OPTIONS), the Special Program will only use the DAY and NITE periods.
The MORN and EVE periods will not be visible on the screen.