
20 Getting Help
VX5 User’s Guide E-EQ-VX5OGWW-F-ARC
Getting Help
All LXE manuals are now available on one CD and they can also be viewed/downloaded
from the LXE website. Contact your LXE representative to obtain the LXE Manuals CD.
You can also get help from LXE by calling the telephone numbers listed on the LXE Manuals
CD, in the file titled “Contacting LXE”. This information is also available on the LXE website
Explanations of terms and acronyms used in this guide are located in the file titled “Glossary” on
the LXE Manuals CD.
Manuals and Accessories
The following manuals are available on the LXE Manuals CD:
VX5 Reference Guide
Contacting LXE
LXE Technical Glossary
The table below lists the available VX5 accessories.
Where two parts numbers are listed for a given part, the part number ending in “-R”
is the RoHS compliant version.
When only one part number is listed, the part is RoHS compliant unless otherwise
VX5 Brackets
Bracket, U Style, VX5 VX5A001UBRACKET-R
Bracket, U Style w/ Integrated Keyboard Mount, VX5 VX5A001UBRKTWKBDMNT-R
Kit, VXX U-Bracket to VX5 Adapter VX5A002BRKTADPTKIT-R
Kit, VXX U-Bracket to VX5 Adapter w/ Keyboard Mount VX5A002BRKTADPKBDMNT-R
Bracket, Combo RAM VMT Mount w/ Keyboard Mount, VX5 VX5A003BRKTRAMWKBMNT-R
Bracket, RAM Squeeze Mount, VX5 VX5A007BRKTRAMSQZMNT-R
Bracket, RAM Backup Mounting Plate 90000A033BACKUPPLATE
Bracket, Combo RAM Squeeze Mount w/ Keyboard Mount, VX5 VX5A008BRKTRAMSQKBMT-R
Bracket, Back, VX5 with Isolators VX5A006BRKTRAMPARTS-R
Custom RAM ball for VX5 Back Bracket 9000A028RAMPLATEBALL-R
Special RAM kit without keyboard mount VX5A010RAMKIT1
Special RAM kit with keyboard mount VX5A011RAMKIT2
Std. RAM ball used in VX5A003BRKTRAMWKBMNT-R kit 990014-0003
Std. RAM arm used in VX5A003BRKTRAMWKBMNT-R kit 990014-0004
Standard RAM Squeeze ball 990014-0011