Installation Instruction Sheet Page 5 of 9
E-INS-6000SPIRE-F LXE Spire Indoor/Outdoor Antenna Installation
Avoid dropping the antenna onto hard surfaces to prevent possible damage to the radome
and to the RF connectors.
Always hold the Spire Antenna cable near the RTNC connector when connecting it to the
bulkhead connector.
Mounting Of Spire With Bracket
This antenna is suitable for use indoors or outside. The antenna bracket attaches to a mast
(PVC pipe) from 1.5 " to 2.5" in diameter using the enclosed metal straps. When properly
mounted the Radome extends below the mounting bracket. In addition, the RF cable
attached to the antenna should have a dip in it that extends below the radome tip to
prevent water from running down the cable towards the radome.
The bracket can also be attached using U-bolts if desired. The bracket is designed to
mount to a vertical or horizontal mast. To install indoors, attach the mast to the truss and
have it extend at least 10” below the truss. Then attach the antenna to the bottom of the
mast. To secure to a roof, install a mast that extends at least 5’ above the roof and then
attach the antenna to the top of the mast with the Radome below the bracket.
To secure to a light pole, install a vertical mast above the pole or horizontal mast that
extends 3’ out from the pole. If the antenna is located below the top of the pole, then
attach the antenna to mast with the Radome below the bracket.
ntenna Mounted to Roof of Building
5 Ft.
Spire antenna
PVC pipe
Figure 1 Antenna Mounted to Roof of Building