136 NET.CFG Parameters
MX3 Reference Guide E-EQ-MX3RG-J-ARC
WEPDOS utility is used to program the WEP key into the Cisco 340 radios. Once the key value
and key number to be used is set the authtype parameter in NET.CFG file must be modified. To
set the key type wepdos at the c:\pctcp prompt.
WEPDOS [-ascii|-hex] [-key#|-home] key ;set a key
WEPDOS [-key#|-home] –clear ;clear a key
WEPDOS [-tx#] ;select transmit key index
WEPDOS [-d] ;display settings
key is a 5 character ascii string
key is a 10 character hex-digit number
WEP128 allows 5 or 13 character ascii, and 10 or 26 hex-digit keys
-key# is default key index 1, 2, 3 or 4
-home selects the home key for use with home access points
-tx# selects the transmit key index 1, 2, 3 or 4 (enterprise networking)
Standard Options
-p[iobase] io base address (hex) [380]
-b[membase memory base address (hex) [D000]
-i[irq] interrupt request (decimal) [10]
-s[slot] slot number (decimal) [0]
-365 82365 startup of card
Default: no startup, IO:380, MEM:D000:0, IRQ:10, SLOT:0
To check wep key on a LXE computer the correct syntax type at c:\ prompt
Wepdos –365 –p340 – bcc00 -d
To set key for use type
Wepdos -365 -hex -key# <10 or 26 byte key> -tx# -d
WEPDOS supports up to 4 keys. As an example of setting key number 3 to 0f0f0f0f0f for use in
transmitting type:
Wepdos -365 –p340 –bcc00 –s1 –hex -key3 1234567890 -tx3 –d