
U23841-J-Z915-6-76 125
Configuring Xprint V7.0 Administering devices
If selection is not specified, the command refers to all the printers in the Xprint
V7.0 system. Otherwise you can either specify the name(s) of the printers to
which you want to assign a security level, or you can use the -scl
“selection_criteria_list” option (see section “Selection criteria list” on
page 266 in the Appendix) to define a list of criteria according to which the
relevant printers are selected.
For -sl security_level specify the desired security level. Xprint V7.0 allows
you to choose from UNCLASSIFIED (= default), SENSITIVE, CONFIDENTIAL,
Reactivate the printer:
xpchange -dev printer_name
For printer_name specify the name of the printer whose security level has
been modified.
To assign the security level CONFIDENTIAL to printer printer5:
xpchange -dev printer5 -st NOT_ACTIVE
xpmod -dev printer5 -sl CONFIDENTIAL
xpchange -dev printer5
To display the security level of the printer printer4:
xpshow -dev printer4 -di LONG
To modify the security level of the printer printer5 to SECRET later:
xpchange -dev printer5 -st NOT_ACTIVE
xpmod -dev printer5 -sl SECRET
xpchange -dev printer5