9. RIGHT – Cheat Browser- This will take you to a more detailed list of cheats where you can activate or deactivate
individual cheats for the selected game. The game name can be seen at the top of the screen.
10. SQUARE - Edit Game name - This will bring up the Edit Game name screen that allows you to change the
name of the game displayed. Your changes will only be saved if a PlayStation
2 memory card is inserted into
Memory Card slot 1.
11. CIRCLE- Add new game.
12. START - Exit Game Browser and return to Main Menu.
13. SELECT- Brings up the Help Screen.
The help screen looks like this -
Cheat Browser Controls
1. START - Exit Select Game and return to Main Menu.
2. LEFT - Exit Cheat Browser and return to Select Game Browser.
3. CROSS - Activate/ De-activate cheat (activated cheats will flash).
4. SQUARE - Edit Cheat Name - This will bring up the Edit Cheat name screen that allows you to change the
name of the cheat displayed. Your changes will only be saved if a PlayStation
2 memory card is
inserted into Memory Card slot 1.
5. CIRCLE - Add New Cheat - This allows you to add a new cheat name.
6. SELECT - Brings up the Help Screen.
3) Main Menu
The Main Menu looks like this-
The Main Menu is comprised of the following options:
1. Start Game
2. Select Game
3. DVD Region Free
4. GameShark Memory Manager
5. Game Saves
Use the D-pad on your game controller to highlight one of the options above, and then press the “CROSS” button
to make your selection.