LDVR Series Direct Vent Gas Fireplace
1. Remove the top louvre assembly.
2. Open the bottom louvre.
3. Remove the window frame assembly.
4. Remove log box from inside firebox.
5. Unpack the logs from packaging and remove each
log from its wrapping material. Set aside the ember
and the lava rock bags.
As with all plastic bags - these are not toys
and should be kept away from children and
Installation of Logs, Lava Rock & Ember Material
Log Installation
Rear Left
Top Center
Rear Right
Front Left
Fig. 41 Correct log placement for 33LDVR.
The logs are fragile and should be handled
with care. Keep the packaging material out
of the reach of children and dispose of the
material in a safe manner.
The individual logs can be easily identified
by the numbers cast on the underside of
each log.
Log Identification Chart
Location 33LDVR 36LDVR 39LDVR 43LDVR
Front Left A43 B160 BC15 BD16
Front Right -- B159 BC16 BD17
Front Center -- B161 B138 B138
Rear -- B158 BC14 BD15
Rear Left A41 -- -- --
Rear Right A42 -- -- --
Top Center A44 -- -- BD18
1. Place rear log left (A41) on rear bracket (ensure the
notch on the left end locates against the bend up on
the left side of rear bracket.)
2. Place rear log right (A42) on rear bracket (ensure
the notch on the right end locates against the bend
up on the right side of rear bracket) and just rest the
cut out from front log onto the front support.
3. Place front log left (A43). Use the log’s bottom hole
to locate it onto rear log left (A41) and just rest bot-
tom cut out log onto the front support.
4. Place top log center (A44). Use the log’s bottom hole
to locate it onto the knob on the rear log right (A42)
and the top log center rest onto rear log left.
5. Place ember material on top of burner. Scatter the
ember material over the tiles on the front area of the
burner housing. (Fig. 48) Do not pack the ember
material. Separate it when unpacked and keep it in a
fluffy and loose condition for a more realistic ember
6. Scatter the lava rock material around the firebox
Do not place any of the lava rock material
on the burner housing assembly.