Dr Robot Inc.
25 Valleywood Drive, Unit #20
Markham, Ontario
Canada L3R 5L9
With its integrated high bandwidth (11Mbps) WiFi 802.11 wireless module, the system can upload
all sensor data (including encoder sensor readings) to a PC or server at rates in excess of 10Hz.
Similarly, streaming audio (8Hz x 8bits) and video (up to 4 fps) either for direct monitoring or for
processing by high-level AI schemes is a snap. Commands and instructions sent to the X80 via the
same wireless link also pass at rates exceeding 10Hz, providing real-time control and access.
The X80 includes all WiRobot development software components (for MS Windows 2000 and up),
enabling easy access to all data and information in a standard Microsoft Windows programming envi-
ronment (e.g., MS VB and VC++). Under the approach of using a separate PC for high-level control,
there are no longer onboard restrictions on a mobile system’s processing power, memory and stor-
The X80’s underlying technology evolved from Dr Robot’s Distributed Computation Robotic Architec-
ture, originally developed for Dr Robot’s Humanoid (HR) Robot. Using this approach, high-level control
of the robot is maintained by a remote or local PC/server communicating by a secure wireless link.
Low-level functionality is managed by an onboard digital signal processor (DSP) while computationally
intensive operations are performed offboard. The result is a robot that’s lighter, draws less power,
runs longer and is dramatically less expensive than a fully bundled or self-contained system. More-
over, since primary processing resides in a server, any hardware upgrades to the central unit are
shared by all the robots it controls.
With its integrated high bandwidth (11Mbps) WiFi 802.11 wireless module, the system can upload
all sensor data (including encoder sensor readings) to a PC or server at rates in excess of 10Hz.
Similarly, streaming audio (8Hz x 8bits) and video (up to 4 fps) either for direct monitoring or for
processing by high-level AI schemes is a snap. Commands and instructions sent to the X80 via the
same wireless link also pass at rates exceeding 10Hz, providing real-time control and access.
The X80 includes all WiRobot development software components (for MS Windows 2000 and up),
enabling easy access to all data and information in a standard Microsoft Windows programming envi-
ronment (e.g., MS VB and VC++). Under the approach of using a separate PC for high-level control,
there are no longer onboard restrictions on a mobile system’s processing power, memory and stor-
With the X80 system, researchers can
develop a specialized intelligent robotic assis-
tant, security robot or simply use it as a plat-
form for a variety of projects built around
applications such as human-machine interac-
tion, mobile system navigation, robot behav-
ior, image processing, object recognition,
voice recognition, teleoperation, remote
sensing, map building and localization etc.
The X80 system is fully integrated and each robot is assembled and tested prior to shipping so that
it arrives ready for use.
Versatile and service-ready, right out of the box