
Monolith III User's Manual
Could my children, pets, or myselfCould my children, pets, or myself
Could my children, pets, or myselfCould my children, pets, or myself
Could my children, pets, or myself
be shocked by the high-voltagebe shocked by the high-voltage
be shocked by the high-voltagebe shocked by the high-voltage
be shocked by the high-voltage
present in the electrostatic panel?present in the electrostatic panel?
present in the electrostatic panel?present in the electrostatic panel?
present in the electrostatic panel?
No. High voltage with low current is
not dangerous. As a matter of fact, the
high-voltage present in our speakers
is10 times less than the static
electricity that you generate when you
take off a sweater. (About 30,000
What size of an amplifier should IWhat size of an amplifier should I
What size of an amplifier should IWhat size of an amplifier should I
What size of an amplifier should I
use with the Monoliths?use with the Monoliths?
use with the Monoliths?use with the Monoliths?
use with the Monoliths?
We recommend an amplifier with 100
to 200 watts per channel for most
Do I need an amplifier with highDo I need an amplifier with high
Do I need an amplifier with highDo I need an amplifier with high
Do I need an amplifier with high
current capability?current capability?
current capability?current capability?
current capability?
No. The Monolith's impedance
characteristics do not require that a
high current amplifier be used.
However, it is important that the
amplifier be stable operating into
varying impedance loads.
Should I unplug my Monoliths duringShould I unplug my Monoliths during
Should I unplug my Monoliths duringShould I unplug my Monoliths during
Should I unplug my Monoliths during
a thunderstorm?a thunderstorm?
a thunderstorm?a thunderstorm?
a thunderstorm?
Yes. Or before. It’s a good idea to
disconnect all of your audio/video
components during stormy weather.
Will my electric bill go ‘sky high’ byWill my electric bill go ‘sky high’ by
Will my electric bill go ‘sky high’ byWill my electric bill go ‘sky high’ by
Will my electric bill go ‘sky high’ by
leaving my speakers plugged in allleaving my speakers plugged in all
leaving my speakers plugged in allleaving my speakers plugged in all
leaving my speakers plugged in all
the time?the time?
the time?the time?
the time?
No. A pair of Monoliths draw about 5
watts maximum.
Is there likely to be any interactionIs there likely to be any interaction
Is there likely to be any interactionIs there likely to be any interaction
Is there likely to be any interaction
between the Monoliths and thebetween the Monoliths and the
between the Monoliths and thebetween the Monoliths and the
between the Monoliths and the
television in my Audio/Videotelevision in my Audio/Video
television in my Audio/Videotelevision in my Audio/Video
television in my Audio/Video
Actually, there is less interaction
between a television and an electro-
static speaker than between a
television and a conventional system.
The magnets in conventional speak-
ers do interact with televisions tubes.
However, we do recommend that you
keep your speakers at least one foot
away from the television because of
the dynamic woofer they employ.
Will excessive smoke or dust causeWill excessive smoke or dust cause
Will excessive smoke or dust causeWill excessive smoke or dust cause
Will excessive smoke or dust cause
any problems?any problems?
any problems?any problems?
any problems?
Exposure to excessive smoke or dust
may potentially affect the performance
of the electrostatic membrane. When
not in use, you should unplug the
speaker and cover with the plastic
bags that the speakers were originally
packed in.
If my child punctured the diaphragmIf my child punctured the diaphragm
If my child punctured the diaphragmIf my child punctured the diaphragm
If my child punctured the diaphragm
with a pencil, stick, or similar item.,with a pencil, stick, or similar item.,
with a pencil, stick, or similar item.,with a pencil, stick, or similar item.,
with a pencil, stick, or similar item.,
how extensive would the damage tohow extensive would the damage to
how extensive would the damage tohow extensive would the damage to
how extensive would the damage to
the speaker be?the speaker be?
the speaker be?the speaker be?
the speaker be?
You should probably replace the
electrostatic element. However, this
depends upon the extent of the
Will exposure to sunlight affect theWill exposure to sunlight affect the
Will exposure to sunlight affect theWill exposure to sunlight affect the
Will exposure to sunlight affect the
life or performance of the Monolith?life or performance of the Monolith?
life or performance of the Monolith?life or performance of the Monolith?
life or performance of the Monolith?
We recommend that you not place
your Monoliths in direct sunlight as
the ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun
can cause deterioration of the
electrostatic membrane. However,
small exposures to UV should not
cause a problem.