Fastening Methods (cont.)
Figure 9: Exterior view, fastening through Casemaster frames.
Figure 10: Exterior View, fastening through UDH frames.
Jamb/Sill Screws
1. After removing covers or liners, fasten units to the
framing with #8 wood screws or 3/16″ concrete an-
. Adjust length of fastener so that it penetrates
no less than 1 1/4″
(32) into framing/opening. When
fastening through the sill, always pre--drill and fill
hole with sealant before driving the screw. Always
place a shim behind or above the screw location on
jambs and head jambs.
NOTE: When using masonry anchors, be sure to follow
manufacturer’s guidelines for proper installation. Some
types require pre--drilling.
2. On Casemaster units, position the screw so that it
misses any operating hardware (if applicable). With
typical installations, you should be able to locate the
screw in the center groove in the frame and just to the
exterior of the kerf that holds the head jamb stop. See
figure 9.
3. On Ultimate Double Hung units, locate the screw in
the jamb carrier kerf (jambs) and in the kerf used to
hold the parting stop (head jamb). Make sure to
countersink the screw so that it doesn’t interfere with
installation of the jamb liner and/or parting stop. See
figure 10.
4. On IZ3 Ultimate Double Hung units, fasten through
#8 x 2 1/2″
(64) wood screws through the top bracket
and one screw through the bottom bracket. See the
“Special Fastening Systems” section for more de-
Use concrete anchors when wood buck material is less than 2″ nominal thickness.