to the system. Create a User I-FOB as follows:
1. Obtain a new I-FOB from your security professional (order part F-IFOB).
2. With “CREATE USER I-FOB Y/N” displayed in the LCD window, press "Y" and the
LCD wi nd ow w ill req uest to i nse rt t he new I -FO B in to t h e To uch pad .
3. After 5 seconds, the I-FOB will be programmed, and you will be prompted to remove
the I-FOB from the Touchpad.
It is recommended th at you r e cord the name of each per so n in posse ssion of each Use r
I-FO B so th at you wil l kno w whi ch I-FO B user num ber to delete from the system, as de-
scribed in the next section.
Remove I-FOB's From The System
In the event that a User I-FOB is lost, use the following procedure to remove I-FOB's
fro m t he sy st e m, ex ce pt t h e M aste r I -F OB*:
On a disa rmed sy ste m:
1. Enter the User Program Mode as descri bed ab ove.
2. Press MENU until “DELETE I-FOB Y/N” displays in the LCD window. Press YES
and "DELETE ENTRY USER I-FOB U02" will appear in the LCD window.
3. Press ENTER and the confirmation message "U02 DELETE ENTRY Y/N" will appear.
4. Press YES and after a short processing interval, the Touchpad will read "U02 DE-
LETED DELETE AGAIN Y/N". Press YES to remove another I-FOB user number
fro m the sy st e m, or pres s NO to return to the User Program Mode.
Exit the User Program Mode
•When you have completed program ming or erasing User Codes, press RESET to exit
the User Program Mode.
* In the event that the Master I-FOB is lost, contact the alarm company to arrange a replacement.
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Friday, September 15, 2006 11:40