e stereo and components come with a separate manual
explaining operation of the devices. Please review and become
familiar with the equipment.
Attitude Adjustment
or Trim Tab Switch
(MariStar 230, X-30, MariStar 245, X-45,
MariStar 280, X-80)
MasterCra utilizes Lenco attitude adjust-
ment plate kits on several models. Dual
plate kits are available on the MariStar 280, X-80 and 280 STS
models; a single plate kit is used on the MariStar 245 and X-45,
as well as the MariStar 230 and X-30. On the dual attitude ad-
justment plate system, the plates operate independently of each
other to provide optimal performance by redirecting water ow
near the transom of the boat. ese plates have been designed to
improve the overall attitude of a boat. If used properly, the plates
will improve the ride, reduce drag, increase speed and improve
the ride and fuel eciency of the boat.
e operation of the attitude adjustment plates is basic. e
plane or planes will be mounted with the actuator(s) on the
transom of the boat. When the plate(s) is/are lowered, the water
ow is redirected, creating an upward force at the stern of the
boat. When the stern rises, the bow will lower.
Since these actuators are electromechanical, they provide an im-
mediate response at the touch of the switch. e switch adjust-
ments are based on the position of the bow. On the dual attitude
adjustment plate system, the right side of the switch controls the
starboard plate and the le side of the switch controls the port
plate. On the single plate system, there is only one switch control.
e system is set up this way to minimize the guesswork while
underway. To lower the starboard bow, press the right (star-
board) switch where it reads DOWN. To lower the port bow,
press the le (port) switch where it reads DOWN. On the single
plate system, press DOWN.
Since our models have dierent weights, lengths, speed and per-
formance, it will take some practice for the operator to under-
stand how your boat reacts with the attitude adjustment plates
installed. e plates will allow your boat to get on plane faster
and continue planing at lower speeds. is will improve visibility
and the overall safety of your boat. When making adjustments
with the attitude adjustment plates, use short momentary taps
of the switch. Continued practice will help you become familiar
with how the plates perform.
Special Conditions
Head Sea: Lower both plates slightly by pressing BOW DOWN
on both sides of a dual system, BOW DOWN on a single system.
is will bring the bow down while maintaining speed. is also
allows the hull of the boat to absorb the impact of the waves.
is adjustment will result in a more ecient and smoother ride.
Following Sea: Make sure the plates are fully retracted by press-
ing BOW UP on both sides of a dual system, and BOW UP on a
single system. is will bring the plate(s) up to a fully retracted
position, decreasing li in the stern and will allow the bow to
rise. If the plate(s) is/are deployed, the bow may dig.
Windy Chop: To raise the windward side of the boat on dual
systems, press BOW UP on that side. If this is not sucient
press BOW DOWN on the leeward side of the boat. Do not
over-trim when attempting this. is will allow the windward
side of the boat to rise and will minimize spray.
Shallow Water/Hole Shot: Lower both plates completely on a
dual system by pressing BOW DOWN on both sides (the single
plate on a single system). is provides li in the stern of the
boat and will keep the bow down. As you throttle up and speed
increases, raise the tab(s) by pressing BOW UP on both sides of
a dual system, and BOW UP on the single system.
Uneven Load: When equipped with a dual system, if one side
of the boat is higher than the other while running, press BOW
DOWN on the switch on that side. is will lower the tab on the
listing side (low side) to bring the boat level.
Porpoising: To stop porpoising, press BOW DOWN on both
sides of a dual plate system, BOW DOWN on a single system.
e plate(s) needs only to be deployed slightly to correct this
adverse situation.
While operating attitude adjustment plates use caution. Improper
use of plates can cause accidents, which may result in serious
injury or death. These cautions apply to the MariStar 280STS, X-
80 and 280 SST models only.
While the boat is underway do not move one plate up or down
signicantly as this may cause listing.
While at higher speeds do not over-trim, as this will cause the
bow to lower quickly, resulting in a reduction of speed and may
cause the boat to veer.
MasterCraft 2009 Owner’s Manual - Page 5-2