Mounting External Storage Memory
To find out the device name of the external memory device
which plug into Matrix 520, you can use the command
/dmesg | grep sd
/dmesg | grep mmc
mount /dev/sda1 to mount the USB disk and
mount /dev/mmc0 to mount SD card
Install GNU Tool Chain
Find a PC with Linux 2.6.X Kernel installed and login as a root
user then copy the arm-linux-3.3.2.tar.gz to root directory of
PC. Under root directory, type following command to install the
Matrix 520 Tool Chain
#tar zxvf arm-linux-3.3.2.tar.gz
Welcome Message
To modify the welcome message, user can use text edit to
modify the /etc/motd.
Web Page Directory
The web pages are placed at /home/httpd and the boa.conf
contains the boa web server settings. The home page name
should be index.html
Getting started the Hello program
There are many example programs in Artila CD. To compile the
sample you can use the Make file to and type
To compile and link the library. Once done, use ftp command
And bin command to set transfer mode to binary
to transfer the execution file to Matrix 520 user disk (/disk) and
chmod +x file.o
Change it to execution mode and
to run the file
Adjust the system time
To adjust the RTC time, you can follow the command
/date MMDDhhmmYYYY
MM=Month (01~12)
DD=Date (01~31)
YYYY= Year
/hwclock –w
To write the date information to RTC
User can also use NTP client utility in Artila CD to adjust the
RTC time.
/ntpclient [time server ip]
SSH Console
Matrix 520 support SSH. If you use Linux computer, you can
use SSH command to login Matrix 520. The configuration of
SSH and key are located at
The key generation program is available at Artila CD
/matrix 520/utility/ssh_keygen
User can copy this program to Matrix 520 to generate the key