11Delta 1010 User Guide
The Patchbay / Router
In addition to the built-in Monitor Mixer, Delta 1010 also provides virtual signal patching
and routing capabilities. This “Patchbay/Router” is accessed through the Control Panel
software and allows a variety of sources (including your music software, the analog
and digital inputs of the interface, or the Monitor Mixer output) to be linked to various
physical outputs on the interface. This flexible routing capability allows you to use Delta
1010 in a variety of different situations and to quickly reconfigure the interface without
having to physically disconnect and reconnect the hardware inputs and outputs on the
rear of the interface.
For proper operation, all digitally interconnected audio systems (including the Delta
1010 interface) must be synchronized to a single master clock. If your digital audio
systems are not configured in this way, you are likely to hear clicks, pops, and other
glitches in your audio streams. The Control Panel software allows you to synchronize
the interface to its internal clock or to “lock” to an external clock source being received
at the S/PDIF or Word Clock inputs. This allows you to easily install the Delta 1010
hardware into any kind of digital environment where S/PDIF or Word Clock are being