
1. Plug the microphones into the mic inputs 1 & 2 of the pre-amps. Plug the guitars
into the high impedance inputs 3 & 4 of the pre-amps.
2. Plug the outputs of the pre-amps 1-4 into the hardware inputs 1-4 of the Delta 44.
Usually pre-amp outputs are balanced, so if they are, use TRS cables and set the
Delta +4/Consumer/-10 input switches to the +4dB setting in the Hardware
Settings page of the Delta Control Panel.
3. Plug the hardware outputs 1-4 of the Delta 44 into your mixer’s inputs 1-4 (using
1-4 is recommended for convenience, but not necessary). Some mixers run at
-10 line level, and some at +4. Many mixers may be set either way and actually
have their own +4/-10 switch(es). Let’s assume that our mixer runs at +4, so set
the Delta +4/Consumer/-10 output switch to +4 in the control panel. At this point
we’ll assume that all mixer faders are down.
We’re now physically set up to monitor, record, and playback audio with the
Delta 44 and related components. The next steps involve the settings in the Delta
Control Panel. We’ll use the same settings as Typical Setup #1 for the Delta Control
Panel’s ‘Hardware Settings’ page, i.e. “Reset Rate When Idle” and 48kHz idle
sampling rate. The settings that we’ll focus on will involve the ‘Patchbay/Router’
page. We won’t be using the Delta 44’s Monitor Mixer, so we’ll ignore the ‘Monitor
4. Open the Delta Control Panel software and click on the Patchbay/Router tab.
5. For the first stereo pair, H/W Out 1/2, click the radio button in that column for
“H/W In 1/2.” For the second stereo pair, H/W Out 3/4, click the radio button
in that column to “H/W In 3/4.” Using these settings for the Patchbay/Router
page connects each hardware input directly to a hardware output. These
settings will allow us to monitor the inputs to the Delta 44 (vocals and guitar)
while we are recording.