\N4 V.42 data link only
\O Initiate reliable link during a normal link
\Q_ \Q0 Turn off flow control
\Q1 XON/XOFF software flow control
\Q2 CTS signal unidirectional hardware flow
\Q3 RTS/CTS signal bi-directional hardware
flow control
\Tn Inactivity timer, where n = 0 to 90 minutes.
Default is 0
\U Accept reliable link during a normal link
\V_ \V0 Do not send extended responses
\V1 Send extended response set 1
\V2 Send extended response set 2
\X_ \X0 Process XON/XOFF but don’t pass through
\X1 Process XON/XOFF and pass through
\Y Switch to reliable link from normal link
\Z End the reliable connection and switch to
normal operation
-J -J0 Disable error control detection phase
-J1 Enable error control detection phase
"H "H0 V.42bis data compression disabled
"H1 Can send but not receive V.42bis data
"H2 Can receive but not send V.42bis data
"H3 Bidirectional V.42bis data
compression enabled
"On n=6- Set maximum V.42bis data block size to n.
250 Default is 16
3.6 Fax Class 1 Commands
+FAA=n Data/Fax auto answer enable. Default is 0
+FAE=n Data/Fax auto answer enable. Default is 0
+FCLASS? Returns current operating mode
+FCLASS=n Sets operating mode
+FCLASS=? Returns available supported modes
+FMFR? Identify modem manufacturer
+FMDL? Identify product model
+FPREV? Identify product revision