
Product Specifications
Maxtor D540X-4G 3-7
<1.0% Annualized Return Rate (ARR) indicates the average against
products shipped.
<750 DPPM
The quality acceptance rate indicates the percentage of Maxtor
products successfully installed by our customers, and/or the number
of defective parts per million (DPPM) encountered during the entire
installation process.
>50,000 This indicates the average minimum cycles for reliable start/stop
R=0.9998@ >4500, R=0.9995 @ >7500, R=0.5 @ >= 50000
<1 per 10e15 bits read
Data errors (non-recoverable). Average data error rate allowed with
all error recovery features activated.
5 years (minimum)
Component design life is defined as a.) the time period before
identified wear-out mechanisms impact the failure rate, or b.) the
time period up to the wear-out point when useful component life
Swept Sine Vibration
10 to 300 Hz
1 G (0 to peak) amplitude,
.25 octave per minute