ATA Bus Interface and ATA Commands
6-8 Maxtor D540X-4K 20.4/40.0/60.0/80.0 GB AT
determined from the information returned from the IDENTIFY DEVICE command.
Where the entry is none, the default setting must be determined by other analytical
means or by asking a trusted human source. The last column shows the default setting
(enabled or disabled) for each supported feature.
Supported Features
The drives support the following Maxtor specific commands:
The READ DEFECT LIST command enables the host to retrieve the drive’s defect
list. Prior to issuing this command the host should issue the READ DEFECT LIST
LENGTH command. This command will not transfer any data. It instead, stores the
length in sectors of the defect list in the Sector Count register (1F2), and the Sector
Number register (1F3), with the Sector Count register containing the LSB of the 2-
byte value (see Table 6-3). The defect list length is a fixed value for each Maxtor
product and can be calculated as follows:
length in sectors = (((maximum number of defects) * 8 + 4) + 511)/512
At the completion of the command, the task file registers 1F2 – 1F6 will contain bytes
necessary to execute the READ DEFECT LIST command, and the host will only
need to write the extended command code (F0h) to the Command register (1F7) to
proceed with the READ DEFECT LIST command execution.
02h 82h Write cache 88 bit 5 02h
03h na Set transfer mode 63, 88 03h
42h C2h Automatic Acoustic Management
feature set
86 bit 9,
55h AAh Read look-ahead feature 85 bit 6 55h
CCh 66h Reverting to power-on defaults None CCh