
McIntosh Tuner
McIntosh D/A Converter
How to Connect Audio
To AC Outlet
1. Connect the MA6500 power cord to a live AC outlet.
2. Connect a cable from the TAPE 1 OUTPUTS to the
Record Inputs of a tape recorder and the TAPE 1 IN-
PUTS to a tape recorder Outputs. Connect a second
tape in the same manner to the Tape 2 inputs and out-
3. Connect a cable from a McIntosh D/A Converter UN-
BALANCED outputs to the CD2 INPUTS.
4. Connect a cable from the McIntosh Transport Digital
OPTICAL output to the McIntosh D/A Converter Digi-
tal OPTICAL input.
5. Connect a cable from a McIntosh Tuner to the TUNER
6. Connect cables from a Turntable to the PH/AUX IN-
PUTS and the Turntable Ground Connection to the
GND grounding post.
7. Connect cable(s) from the POWER CONTROL jack to
the Power Control In on a McIntosh component or
Power Controller.
8. Connect a cable(s) from the DATA PORTS to the com-
ponents that are to be controlled by the MA6500.
How to Connect Audio Components
McIntosh PC-3
McIntosh CD Transport
Tape Recorder