Performance Features
• Power Output
The MC252 consists of two separate power amplifier chan-
nels, each capable of 250 watts into 2, 4 or 8 ohm speakers
with less than 0.005% distortion. The two channels can be
combined into a single channel with 500 watts into 1, 2, 4,
8 or 16 ohm speakers with less than 0.005% distortion.
• Patented Autoformers
The McIntosh designed and manufactured Output
Autoformers provide an ideal match between the amplifier
output stage and speaker loads of 2, 4 and 8 ohms. The
Autoformers also provide perfect DC protection for your
valuable Loudspeakers.
• Patented Power Guard
The patented McIntosh Power Guard Circuit prevents the
amplifier from being over driven into clipping, with its
harsh distorted sound that can also damage your valuable
Now you can take advantage of traditional McIntosh stan-
dards of excellence in the MC252 Power Amplifier. The
250 watt high current outputs will drive any high quality
Loudspeaker System to its ultimate performance. The
MC252 reproduction is sonically transparent and abso-
lutely accurate. The McIntosh Sound is “The Sound of the
Music Itself.”
XLR Connectors
Below is the Pin configuration for the XLR Balanced Input
Connectors on the MC252. Refer to the diagram for con-
PIN 1: Shield/Ground
PIN 2: + Input
PIN 3: - Input
Power Control and Trigger Connectors
The MC252’s Power Control Outputs provide a 5 volt sig-
nal. Use a 1/8 inch stereo mini
phone plug to connect to the
Power Control Input on other
McIntosh Components.
• Balanced and Unbalanced Inputs
Balanced connections guard against induced noise and al-
low long cable runs without compromising sound quality.
Patented Sentry Monitor with Thermal Protection
McIntosh Sentry Monitor power output stage protection
circuits ensure the MC252 will have a long and trouble free
operating life. Built-in Thermal Protection Circuits guard
against overheating.
Power Control
The McIntosh Power Control Circuit allows for remote
turn-on of the MC252 Power Amplifier from a McIntosh
Audio/Video Control Center or Preamplifier. If any addi-
tional McIntosh Power Amplifiers are part of the system, a
delayed Power Control Output Trigger is available. This
delayed Trigger reduces the strain on the house’s electrical
wiring and protection devices.
• Illuminated Power Meters
The Illuminated Power Output Watt Meters on the MC252
are peak responding, and indicate the power output of the
amplifier. The Peak Watt Hold Mode allows the meter to
temporarily stay at the highest power output and then
slowly decay. The Front Panel Meter Illumination may be
switched Off at any time.
• Fiber Optic Solid State Front Panel Illumination
The Illumination of the Front Panel is accomplished by the
combination of custom designed Fiber Optic Light Diffus-
ers and Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs). This provides even
Front Panel Illumination, together with the extra long life
• Glass Front Panel and Super Mirror Chassis Finish
The famous McIntosh Illuminated Glass Front Panel with a
three dimensional look and the Stainless Steel Chassis with
Super Mirror Finish ensures the pristine beauty of the
MC252 will be retained for many years.
Connector Information
Pin 1
Pin 2
Pin 3