Looking at or near the Sunwill cause irreversibledamage to your eye. Do not point this telescope at or near the Sun. Do not look through the telescope as it is moving.
Select "Options" from the menu and choose
the "Video Capture Settings." The Properties
screen displays. This screen allows you to
choose camera settings.
Click on the Default button the first
time you use the camera to set the camera
for nighttime astronomical imaging. Click
on Daytime if you are using during the
daytime. See Fig 13.
SSeelleecctt aa CCaammeerraa SSeettttiinngg
Choose one of these settings before taking a
photo. See Fig. X.
CChhoooossee DDaayyttiimmee
to capture an image of a
daytime object.
CChhoooossee NNiigghhttttiimmee
to capture an image of a
star or fainter object. This is the default
CChhoooossee MMoooonn//PPllaanneett
to capture an image of
the Moon or a planet.
Fig. 13: Camera Settings and the
Default button.
SSeelleecctt SSnnaappsshhoott oorr VViiddeeoo
SSeelleecctt SSnnaappsshhoott
to capture a still photo.
Hold the shutter release cable until the
image is steady on your PC screen, then
press the shutter button. A snapshot of
the image displays on your PC screen.
Go to the file menu and choose "Save
As..." to save the snapshot.
Hold the shutter release cable until the
image is steady on your PC screen, then
press the shutter button. See Fig. 14. A
snapshot of the image displays on your
PC screen.
User Groups and forums are great
places to share photo's and tips. Join
the Meade4m Community forums at
meade4m.com to find other
Fig. 14: Plug the shutter release
cable into the PC Camera.