Sleep Scope is a power and time saving option
that shuts down the LS telescope without forgetting
its alignment. With “Sleep Scope” selected, press
“ENTER” to activate the Sleep function. LS goes dark,
but the internal clock keeps running. Press any key,
except “ENTER”, to re-activate LS.
Park Scope is designed for a telescope that has
not moved between observing sessions. Align the
telescope one time, then use this function to park the
telescope. Next time it is powered up, no alignment is
required. Pressing “ENTER” causes the telescope to
move to its pre-determined Park position. Once parked,
the screen prompts to turn off power.
IMPORTANT NOTE: When the “Park Scope” option
is chosen and the display prompts you to turn off
the telescope’s power, LS is unable to be returned
to operation without turning the power off and then
back on.
Setup Menu
The Setup menu’s primary function is to align the
telescope. However, there are numerous other features
available within the Setup menu, including:
Align prepares your telescope to automatically locate
and track objects. There are four different alignment
methods available. Unless you specifi cally disable
LightSwitch as the default alignment, the scope will
use this method immediately upon powering up. If you
desire to use an alternate method below, be sure to
disable automatic alignment in the preferences.
• Automatic Align will use the LightSwitch
alignment method to align your telescope.
• Alt. Az. 2 Star will begin the interactive two star
alignment process. Complete details are
described in the Advanced LS features
section of this manual.
• Alt. Az. 1 Star will begin the interactive one star
alignment process. Complete details are
described in the Advanced LS features
section of this manual.
• Terrestrial will set up the telescope to use on
land objects.
Preferences allows you to confi gure the telescope’s
behaviors to suit your own viewing tastes. Confi gurable
options include:
• Restore Defaults sets all the settings back to
the factory original values.
• Hi Precision Slews allows you to turn high
precision slews on and off. When this feature is
enabled and you command the telescope to
GoTo and object, it will fi rst slew to a nearby star
and ask you to center the star and then press
“ENTER” to proceed. This feature insures the
target will be in the precise center of the
eyepiece. With faint objects at the limit of your
scope, or when making astro-images, enabling
Hi Precision assures you are right on target.
• Default Alignment allows you to enable or
disable LightSwitch alignment when the scope
powers up. When you disable default alignment,
the telescope will require you to select and
perform one of the alignment procedures under
the Setup menu before your telescope will
automatically locate and track objects.
• Play Intro Video allows you to disable the
introductory media message that plays when the
telescope is fi rst powered up.
• Play Media 1
allows you to select when
multimedia object descriptions are played. As
shipped from the factory, the telescope is
confi gured to play the descriptive media before
showing you the object data. Disabling the Media
1st option, will cause the object’s data to be
displayed immediately upon object selection. If
you wish to hear the descriptions, you must
explicitly press the “MEDIA” key.
• Animated Media allows you to bypass the
animated portion of the media. As shipped from
the factory, most objects have two media clips.
The fi rst is an animated overview narrated by a
male voice. This is followed by a second,
more detailed description given by a female
narrator. Disabling “Animated Media” will skip
playing the audio/video media clip and go to the
audio only presentation.
• Time Zone allows you to select an international
time zone, or to manually confi gure a time zone
to any fraction of an hour you need.
• Use GPS allows you to disable use of the GPS
to determine the time and your telescope’s
location. If your scope is mounted in an