Looking at or near the Sun will cause irreversable damage to your eye. Do not point this telescope at or near the
Sun. Do not look through the telescope as it is moving.
The useful higher magnification with any 50mm diameter telescope is in the range of 50 to 100 power. The general
rule to follow with any telescope, regarding power: Only use as much magnification as a steady, well-defined image
supports. The stability of the air varies and is one reason why having various eyepieces is desirable. Higher powers
are no guaranty of better images; in fact, the opposite is often true.
As with any quality optical instrument, lens surfaces should be cleaned as infrequently as possible. A little dust on the
surface of the objective lens causes negligible degradation of image quality and should not be considered reason to
“clean” the lens. When lens cleaning does become necessary, use a camel’s hair brush or compressed air to gently
remove dust. Wipe only with a soft, clean cloth, applying as little pressure as possible to avoid scratching glass
surfaces. Note: Remove the dew shield/lens shade (20, Fig. 1) to access the objective lens (16, Fig. 1).
Objective (main) lens focal length 625mm
Objective lens diameter 50mm (2.0”)
Focal ratio f/12.5
Mounting type Altazimuth, with locking pan-handle
3X Barlow
Dust Cover
27 Hubble, Irvine, California 92618
(800) 626-3233 www.meade.com