225Remote control
and controls
Operation Driving
cluster display
Practical hints Car care Index
Change batteries, inserting new ones with plus (+) side
facing up.
Press battery cover onto housing until locked in place.
Batteries contain materials that can harm the
environment if disposed of improperly. Recycling of
batteries is the preferred method of disposal. For
disposal, please follow manufacturer‘s recommendation
on battery package.
Replacement Battery:
Lithium, type CR 2025 or equivalent.
Synchronizing remote control
The system may have to be resynchronized, if the
transmitter is without voltage for several minutes.
To synchronize system, aim transmitter eye at vehicle
and briefly press transmit button Œ or ‹ twice.
Within approximately 30 seconds insert key in steering
lock and turn it to position 2.
The remote control should once again be operational.