226Tele Aid
and controls
Operation Driving
cluster display
Practical hints Car care Index
Remote door unlock
In the case you have your vehicle locked unintentionally
(e.g. key inside vehicle), and no other key is available,
contact the Mercedes-Benz Response Center at
1-800-756-9018 (in the USA) or 1-888-923-8367 (in
Canada). You will be asked to provide your password
which you provided when you completed the subscriber
Then return to your vehicle and press trunk lock for
minimum of 20 seconds until the “SOS” button is
flashing. The message “EMERGENCY CALL – CALL
CONNECTED” appears in the multifunction display.
As an alternative, you may unlock the vehicle via
Internet using the ID and password sent to you shortly
after the completion of your Acquaintance Call.
The Response Center will then unlock your vehicle with
the remote door unlocking feature.
The remote door unlock feature is available if the
relevant cellular phone network is available.
The SOS button will flash and the message
in the multifunction display to indicate receipt of the
door unlock command.
Once the vehicle is unlocked, a Response Center
specialist will attempt to establish voice contact with the
vehicle occupants.
If the trunk button was pressed for more than
20 seconds before door unlock authorization was
received by the Response Center, you must wait
15 minutes before pressing the trunk button again.