
Safety and Security
Driving safety systems
The SBC brake servo assistance switches
off automatically when you:
ț turn the key in the starter switch to
position 0 or remove the key (after ap-
proximately two minutes)
ț lock the vehicle with the SmartKey
from outside (after approximately
20 seconds)
Note on driving with the SBC
ț Following extended periods of only mi-
nor loads to your brake system, you
should occasionally apply the brakes
when traveling at high speeds. This im-
proves the grip of the brake pads.
If the SBC brake system is activated
when the brake pedal is first de-
pressed, you may feel a reduced pedal
resistance and longer pedal travel than
normal. When releasing the pedal, you
may also feel the brake pedal pulsate
and you may hear a sound which is
caused by the activation of the SBC
pump. This is normal and not an indica-
tion of a malfunction. Pedal travel re-
turns to normal when you release the
brake pedal and the sound soon ceas-
Warning! G
Have brake pad replacement and other work
on the SBC brake system carried out by
qualified technicians only. Contact your au-
thorized Mercedes-Benz Center for further
information. The SBC brake system must be
deactivated prior to working on the system.
High pressure is intermittently built up in the
system as part of its automatic self-test. In
addition, the system is automatically acti-
vated when the vehicle is unlocked by re-
mote control, when the driver or passenger
door is opened, when the key in the starter
switch is turned to position 1, when the
brake pedal is depressed or when the park-
ing brake is released. Failure to deactivate
the system prior to maintenance will cause
brake pistons to extend and brake fluid to
leak, which may result in injuries (contu-
sions and acid burns). Extended brake pis-
tons may also cause injury.
Warning! G
Be very careful not to endanger other road
users when you apply the brakes.