Technical terms
Tele Aid* System
elematic Alarm Identification on
The Tele Aid system consists of three
types of response: automatic and
manual emergency, roadside assis-
tance and information. Tele Aid is
initially activated by completing a
subscriber agreement and placing an
acquaintance call.
The Tele Aid system is operational
provided that the vehicle’s battery is
charged, properly connected, not
damaged and cellular and GPS
coverage is available.
A combination of the terms “tele-
communications” and “informatics”.
Tightening torque
Force times lever arm (e.g. a lug
wrench) with which threaded fasteners
such as wheel bolts are tightened.
Tire speed rating
Part of tire designation; indicates the
speed range for which a tire is
Force exerted by the vehicle on the
road via the tires.
ehicle Identification Number)
The number set by the manufacturer
and placed on the body to uniquely
identify each vehicle produced.
Voice control system*
Voice control system for car phones,
portable cell phones and audio
systems (radio, CD, etc.).