Setting temperature units 149
Fastening the seat belts 43
Fine adjustment
Cruise control 259
First aid kit 389
Flat tire 412
Collapsible tire
(CLK 55 AMG only) 394
Lowering the vehicle 418
Minispare wheel
(except CLK 55 AMG) 393
Mounting the spare wheel 413
Preparing the vehicle 412
Flexible Service System (Canada vehicles)
see Maintenance service system
Flexible Service System (FSS) 456
Removing 278
Installing 278
Fog lamp, rear 128, 405
Fog lamps
Replacing bulbs 404
Fog lamps, front
Messages in display 382
Replacing bulbs 405
Switching on 128
Front air bags 65
Front lamps
Messages in display 382–384
Replacing bulbs 404, 406
Switching on 124
Front passenger front
air bag off indicator lamp 77, 360
Front seat head restraints
Installing 114
Power seat 114
Removing 114
Front seats
Seat heating* 119
Ventilation* 120
FSS (Canada vehicles) see
Maintenance service system
FSS (Flexible Service System) 456
Fuel 306
Additives 451
Fuel reserve warning lamp 359
Gasoline additives 451
unleaded gasoline 306, 448, 450
Requirements 451
Reserve warning 25
Technical data 447
Fuel additives 451
Fuel cap
Message in display 356
Fuel consumption statistics
After start 161
Since last reset 161
Fuel filler flap 305
Locking 305
Opening 399
Unlocking 305
Fuel requirements 451
Fuel reserve tank
Message in display 381
Fuel tank
Capacity 448
Filler flap 305