Control systems
COMAND address book
Starting route guidance to an entry
̈ Search for an address book entry
୴ page 217).
̈ Display the details of an entry and high-
light the address data field
୴ page 219).
̈ Select “Options” Ǟ “Navigate”.
̈ Press n.
Further operation depends on whether the
address data is complete and matches the
digital map data of the navigation system.
It does not match, for example, if it is not
spelled in the same way as the destination
Address data is complete and matches
digital map
If “Navigate” is selected, the navigation
system starts the route calculation.
Address data is incomplete or does not
match digital map
If “Navigate” is selected, a message ap-
pears indicating that the address is incom-
̈ Closing message: Select “OK”.
Depending on which data is missing or
cannot be found on the digital map, you
must now either:
ț select a state (province)
ț select a county
ț or enter a town/city
ț or enter a street
ț or enter a house number
̈ Selecting a state (province):
Select desired state (province) from
the list.
̈ Selecting a county: Select desired
county from the list.
̈ Entering a town: Proceed as de-
scribed for destination entry in the “En-
tering a town or city” section
୴ page 168).
̈ Entering a street: Proceed as de-
scribed for destination entry in the “En-
tering a street” section (
୴ page 171).
̈ Entering a house number: Proceed
as described for destination entry in
the “Entering a house number” section
୴ page 175).
Pressing n only functions if one of the ad-
dress data fields contains data.
For the route calculation, the navigation sys-
tem requires the correct spellings of the state
(province), the town/city or zip code, the street
and under some circumstances, the house num-
ber. The town/city and street must be spelled in
the same manner as the destination entry.
The state (province) can be spelled as an entire
name or as an abbreviation.
ț Florida or FL
ț Colorado or CO
ț Alberta or AB
ț Ontario or ON