Practical hints
Fuse box in passenger compartment
The fuse box is located behind a cover in
the dashboard on the driver’s side.
1 Cover
2 Recess in the cover
̈ Open the driver’s door.
̈ Insert flat, blunt object as a lever in
recess 2 on the edge of cover 1.
̈ Loosen cover 1 from the dashboard
using lever.
̈ Using your hands, pull cover 1 in di-
rection of arrow and remove.
̈ Hook cover 1 into the opening at the
̈ Press cover 1 back on until it engag-
Fuse box in trunk
The fuse box is located behind the
left-hand trim panel in the trunk.
Fuse box cover design may vary depending
on vehicle equipment.
Cover with turn catches shown
1 Catches
2 Cover
Opening cover (with turn catches)
̈ Turn catches 1 counter-clockwise.
and remove cover 2.
Do not use sharp objects such as a screw
driver to open the fuse box cover 1 in the dash-
board, as this could damage it.
The cover 1 must be properly positioned
as described to prevent moisture or dirt from en-
tering the fuse box and possibly impairing fuse