Technical terms
Restraint systems
Seat belts, belt tensioners, air bags
and child restraint systems. As inde-
pendent systems, their protective func-
tions complement one another.
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Root directory
The uppermost directory on a storage
Run Flat Indicator
The Run Flat Indicator monitors the set
tire inflation pressures by evaluating
each wheel’s rotational speed. If a
wheel’s rotational speed changes due
to falling tire inflation pressure, a corre-
sponding warning message appears in
the ->Instrument cluster control sys-
esearch Octane Number)
The Research Octane Number for gaso-
line as determined by a standardized
method. It is an indication of a gaso-
line’s ability to resist undesired detona-
tion (knocking). The average of both
the ->MON (Motor Octane Number)
and RON (Research Octane Number) is
posted at the pump, also known as AN-
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ubscriber Identity Module)
Card provided by the ->GSM telephone
service provider. Necessary for access-
ing a mobile communication network.
hort Message Service)
With this function you can receive, read
and delete short text messages (if SMS
service is provided by your carrier).
upplemental Restraint System)
Seat belts, emergency tensioning de-
vice and air bags. Though independent
systems, they are closely interfaced to
provide effective occupant protection.
Tele Aid
elematic Alarm Identification on
The Tele Aid system consists of three
types of response: automatic and man-
ual emergency, Roadside Assistance
and information. Tele Aid is initially ac-
tivated by completing a subscriber
agreement and placing an acquain-
tance call. The Tele Aid system is oper-
ational provided that the vehicle’s
battery is charged, properly connected,
not damaged and mobile phone and
->GPS coverage is available.
A combination of the terms “telecom-
munications” and “informatics.”