Filler neck, Engine oil 278, 279
First aid kit 388
Flat tire 405
Preparing the vehicle 405
Spare wheel 388, 405
Flexible Service System see FSS
Automatic climate control
system 444
Automatic transmission 279, 444
Brake system 272, 444, 447
Capacities 444
Engine coolant 280, 444, 449
Engine oil 275, 444, 446
Power steering 444
Retractable hardtop, Hydraulics 444
Windshield washer and headlamp
cleaning system 444
Fog lamps 131
Messages in the multifunction
display 380, 382
Replacing bulbs 398
Front air bags 71
Front lamps see Headlamps
Front passenger front air bag
Messages in the multifunction
display 356–359
Front passenger front air bag off indicator
lamp 76, 345
FSS (Canada only) 319
Fuel 271
Additives 448
Capacity, Fuel tank 444
Consumption statistics 163
Filler flap 271
Fuel reserve warning lamp 29, 339
Gasoline additives 448
Gauge 29
Premium unleaded gasoline 272,
445, 447
Refueling 271
Requirements 448
Fuel filler flap
Opening 271
Fuels, coolants, lubricants etc.
Capacities 444
Functions (control system) 141
Fuse chart see Vehicle tool kit
Fuses 424
Garage door opener 251
Gasoline see Fuel
GAWR 312
Gear range
Automatic transmission 172
Canceling limit 175
Indicator 29
Limiting 172
Shifting into optimal 175
Gear selector lever 32, 168
Cleaning 328
Lock 52
Position 168, 170
Global locking/unlocking see Key
Glove box 233
Good visibility 180
Gross Axle Weight Rating see GAWR
Gross Vehicle Weight Rating see GVWR
Gross Vehicle Weight see GVW
GVW 312
GVWR 313