Technical data
Identification labels
1 Vehicle certification label with Vehicle
Identification Number
2 Product option code plate with paint
The vehicle certification plate with the Ve-
hicle Identification Number and the vehicle
identification plate (certification plate)
with the paint number are located on the
A-pillar on the driver’s side.
The Vehicle Identification Number is locat-
ed on the driver’s side in the bottom corner
of the windshield.
3 Vehicle Identification Number
4 Vacuum line routing diagram label
5 Emission control information label,
includes both federal and California
certification exhaust emission
Engine number
The engine number is engraved on the un-
derside of the engine and can only be read
after removing the casing on the bottom of
the engine.
There is also a plate on the left-hand side
of the engine cover.
When ordering parts, please specify vehicle
identification and engine numbers.