
Controls in detail
Audio system
Making calls
̈ Press button h on the audio control
unit to call up the telephone mode.
When the mobile phone is ready for opera-
tion, the display will look like this:
Initiating an outgoing call
Entering phone number via the audio
control unit
You can enter numbers and special charac-
ters via the telephone keypad.
̈ Entering: Use 0 to 9, ô and ó to
enter characters.
You can enter the * character by press-
ing the ó button once. You can en-
ter the + character by pressing the
ó once and then again within ap-
prox. 1.5 seconds.
̈ To delete individual digits: Briefly
press button î in the audio control
̈ To delete an entire entry: Press and
hold button î until the entire entry
has been deleted.
̈ Press button t.
Entering phone number via the audio
In addition to the actual menu bar, the tele-
phone main menu features a second bar
containing numbers, the number menu.
When the bar is active (highlighted), you
can select elements.
̈ To enter digits: Slide omp or
rotate ymz the audio controller to se-
lect the required digit.
̈ Press n to confirm.
̈ Repeat the procedure, until you have
select all digits for the necessary
phone number.
̈ To delete individual digits:
Slide omp or rotate ymz to
select õ and briefly press n.
̈ Press î button next to the audio