Practical hints
Towing the vehicle
Installing towing eye bolt
Example illustration (SL 550 and SL 600
without Sport Package)
1 Cover on passenger side of front
To remove cover:
̈ Press mark on cover 1 in direction of
̈ Lift cover 1 off to reveal the threaded
hole for towing eye bolt.
To reinstall cover:
̈ Fit locking tabs of cover under the
lower edge of the opening in the
̈ Apply even pressure on the upper part
of the cover until it snaps into place.
1 Cover on passenger side of rear
To remove cover:
̈ Insert flat, blunt object as a lever into
upper left or right recess of cover 1.
̈ Loosen cover 1 using the lever.
̈ Fold cover 1 down in direction of
arrow to reveal the threaded hole for
the towing eye bolt.
To reinstall cover:
̈ Fit cover 1 and snap into place.
Installing towing eye bolt
̈ Take the towing eye bolt and the wheel
wrench from the vehicle tool kit
୴ page 400).
̈ Screw towing eye bolt into threaded
hole to its stop.
̈ Insert wheel wrench into towing eye
and tighten towing eye bolt by turning
it clockwise.
Removing towing eye bolt
̈ Take the wheel wrench from the
vehicle tool kit (
୴ page 400).
̈ Insert wheel wrench into towing eye
and loosen towing eye bolt by turning it
̈ Remove towing eye bolt.