Practical hints
What to do if …
Left display Right display Possible cause/consequence Possible solution
Engine Oil Level
Stop car,
switch engine off.
There is no oil in the engine. There
is a danger of engine damage.
̈ Stop the vehicle in a safe location or as soon
as it is safe to do so.
̈ Turn off the engine.
̈ Add engine oil (୴ page 286) and check the
engine oil level (
୴ page 284).
Engine Oil Level
Reduce Oil Level
Vehicles with engine oil measuring
system only:
You have added too much engine
oil. There is a risk of damaging the
engine or the catalytic converter.
̈ Have excess oil siphoned or drained off.
Observe all legal requirements with respect
to its disposal.
Engine Oil Level
eng. oil level.
Vehicles with engine oil measuring
system only:
The measuring system is malfunc-
̈ Have the measuring system checked by an
authorized Mercedes-Benz Center.
Engine Oil Level
Check Level
Vehicles with oil dipstick only:
The engine oil has dropped to a crit-
ical level.
̈ Check the engine oil level (୴ page 284) and
add oil as required (
୴ page 286).
̈ If you must add engine oil frequently, have the
engine checked for possible leaks.