Fuels, coolants, lubricants etc.
Fuel requirements
Only use premium unleaded gasoline. The
octane number (posted at the pump) must be
91 min. It is an average of both the Research
Octane Number (RON) and the Motor Octane
Number (MON): (RON+MON)/2. This is also
known as the ANTI-KNOCK INDEX.
Reformulated gasolines (RFG) and/or
unleaded gasoline containing oxygenates
such as ethanol, TAME, ETBE, IPA, IBA, and
TBA can be used provided the ratio of any one
of these oxygenates to gasoline does not
exceed 10%; MTBE must not exceed 15%.
The ratio of methanol to gasoline must not
exceed 3% plus additional cosolvents.
Using mixtures of ethanol and methanol is not
allowed. Gasohol, which contains 10%
ethanol and 90% unleaded gasoline, can be
These blends must also meet all other fuel
requirements, such as resistance to spark
knock, boiling range, vapor pressure, etc.
Flexible Fuel Vehicles
C 300 and C 300 Sport
with automatic
transmission are Flexible Fuel Vehicles.
Flexible Fuel Vehicles are identified by a label
reading Premium gasoline or E85 only! on
the fuel filler flap.
These vehicles are designed to operate on
premium unleaded gasoline or ethanol fuel
(E85), or on any mixture of these two. Ethanol
fuel (E85) is a mixture of approximately 85%
ethanol and 15% unleaded gasoline.
Ethanol fuel (E85) and its fumes are highly
flammable, poisonous and burn easily.
Ethanol fuel can cause serious injuries if
ignited or if you come into contact with it
or inhale fumes of it. Avoid inhalation of
ethanol fumes and skin contact with
ethanol. Extinguish all open flames before
refueling. Never smoke or create sparks
close to ethanol.
Switching fuels
For best performance and driveability it is
recommended to use either one or the other
fuel. A refueling pattern that alternates
between the two different fuels should be
avoided if possible.
When switching fuels, make sure:
Fuel level is below half full.
Fuel level is above reserve (fuel tank
reserve warning lamp is not lit).
Amount of added fuel is more than
5 gallons (20 liters).
Ignition is off during refill.
Immediately after refueling engine is
started and operated for at least 5 minutes.
These precautions and recommendations are
supposed to prevent any difficulties when
starting and operating the engine which
otherwise may be experienced before the
engine has fully adapted to the different fuel.
If in spite of these recommendations the
engine does not perform properly, adding
more gasoline (at least 3 gallons [12 liters])
to the fuel may improve the engine behavior.
Fuel consumption
E85 fuel contains less energy per gallon than
gasoline. To ensure that engine performance
with ethanol fuel is similar to that when using
gasoline, the engine must burn more ethanol
USA only.
Technical data