Fuels, coolants, lubricants etc.
with premium unleaded gasoline as soon
as possible.
Avoid full throttle driving and abrupt
Do not exceed an engine speed of
3 000 rpm if the vehicle is loaded with a
light load such as two persons and no
Do not exceed
of maximum
accelerator pedal position if the vehicle
is fully loaded or operating in
mountainous terrain.
Fuel requirements
Gasoline engine
Only use premium unleaded gasoline. The
octane number (posted at the pump) must be
91 min. It is an average of both the Research
Octane Number (RON) and the Motor Octane
Number (MON): (RON+MON)/2. This is also
known as the ANTI-KNOCK INDEX.
Reformulated gasolines (RFG) and/or
unleaded gasoline containing oxygenates
such as ethanol, TAME, ETBE, IPA, IBA, and
TBA can be used provided the ratio of any one
of these oxygenates to gasoline does not
exceed 10%; MTBE must not exceed 15%.
The ratio of methanol to gasoline must not
exceed 3% plus additional cosolvents.
Using mixtures of ethanol and methanol is not
allowed. Gasohol, which contains 10%
ethanol and 90% unleaded gasoline, can be
These blends must also meet all other fuel
requirements, such as resistance to spark
knock, boiling range, vapor pressure, etc.
Diesel engine
Only use commercially available vehicular
(15 ppm SULFUR MAXIMUM) that meets the
ASTM D975 standard. Failure to use
can severely damage the vehicle’s exhaust
after-treatment device.
To prevent malfunctions, diesel fuel with
improved cold flow characteristics is offered
in the winter months. Check with your fuel
Do not fill the tank with gasoline. Do not
blend diesel fuel with gasoline or kerosene.
The fuel system and engine will otherwise
be damaged, which is not covered by the
Mercedes-Benz Limited Warranty.
For further information on diesel fuel pump
labeling, contact an authorized Mercedes-
Benz Center or visit www.mbusa.com (USA
B5 biodiesel
Mercedes-Benz USA, LLC approves the use of
B5 biodiesel (standard diesel with a maximum
of up to 5% biodiesel content) in all Common
Rail Injection (CDI) and BlueTEC diesel
engines. Diesel fuels containing a higher
percentage of biodiesel content will cause
damage to your engine and are not approved.
Biodiesel can be refined from a variety of raw
materials which may result in widely varying
properties. Only use approved biodiesel.
Approved biodiesel meets the ASTM D6751
standard and has the necessary oxidation
stability (minimum 6 hours, proved with
EN14112 method) to prevent deposits and/
or corrosion. The use of non-approved
biodiesel may damage the fuel system.
Please ask your service station for further
information. If the B5 biodiesel blend is not
sufficiently labeled to clearly indicate that it
meets the above standards, please do not use
it. The Mercedes-Benz Limited Warranty does
not cover damage caused by the use of fuels
Technical data