Driving systems
a vehicle speed of up to 25 mph (40 km/h)
and automatically scans for and measures
potential parking spaces on both sides of the
vehicle. At a vehicle speed of below 10 mph
(16 km/h), you see the white parking space
symbol as a system display in the instrument
cluster. As soon as the Advanced Parking
Guidance has detected a suitable parking
space, the parking space symbol changes to
Detected parking spaces on the left
Parking space symbol
Detected parking spaces on the right
In order to be detected by the Advanced
Parking Guidance, a parking space must be:
closed-in at the rear
parallel to the direction of travel
at least 5 ft (1.5 m) wide
at least 3.5 ft (1.0 m) longer than your
vehicle is
A parking space is shown in the display when
driving by until you have reached a distance
of 50 ft (15 m) from the space. the Advanced
Parking Guidance only shows parking spaces
on the front-passenger side of the vehicle
unless you activate the driver’s side (left) turn
signal. If you would like to park on the driver’s
side, the left turn signal must remain on until
the reverse gear is engaged.
The following describes how you can park on
the front-passenger side. Parking on the
driver’s side is performed reversed left to
If the Advanced Parking Guidance detects an
obstacle behind the vehicle during the
parking procedure, you will hear an audible
warning. Stop the vehicle immediately. The
parking space and the lane flash in the
instrument cluster. Only continue driving/
parking after you have made sure that this is
possible to do in a safe manner. If the
Advanced Parking Guidance no longer
detects any obstacles, the display in the
instrument cluster stops blinking. You may
continue the parking procedure.
The Advanced Parking Guidance is only an
aid and may not detect all obstacles. At
corners or near smooth surfaces, the
Advanced Parking Guidance may not detect
an object correctly. The Advanced Parking
Guidance does not relieve you of the
responsibility to pay attention. You are
always responsible for safety and must
continue to pay attention to your
immediate surroundings when parking and
maneuvering. Otherwise, you could
endanger yourself and others.
Bring the vehicle to a standstill as long as
the desired parking space is displayed by
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