Main menu structure 9
altering the map scale 133
Compass needle 159
Heading-up 159
Map with cross hairs 132
moving the cross hairs 132
North arrow 159
North-up 159
Symbol for current vehicle
location 159
Memory functions
Radio operation 34
“City/Suburb” input menu 124
“Destination info” selection
menu 147
“Incoming calls memory” 94
“Phone book” 98
“Phone book” selection menu 87
“Points of Interest” selection
menu 137
“Settings” 188
“Street” input menu 126
“Way point” 160
Category list 137
Main address menu 123
Main destination entry menu 122
Main destination memory menu 174
Main radio menu FM 28
Main system setting menu 184, 187
Phone book page (names) 88
Phone book pages (phone
numbers) 90
Ready for operation display
(Telephone) 78
SMS view 104
Traffic jam menu 164
Menu fields 9
Menu overview
CD operation 48
Destination input 120
Radio operation 26
Telephone mode 76
“Being activated” 61
“Caution. COMAND will shut down
now”. 10
“Caution. Please start engine. Otherwi-
se COMAND will shut down in 10
seconds” 10
“Caution. Please start engine. Otherwi-
se COMAND will shut down in 3
minutes” 10
“CD Magazine empty” 60
“CD-Reading error. Please use another
CD” 122
“Compiling sorted destination
list” 174, 179