Route guidance
1 Distance to destination
2 Arrow indicating driving direction
3 Name of the road you are currently dri-
ving on
4 Distance in miles to the next maneuver
1 Name of the street onto which you are
to drive
2 Part of the street, not to be followed
3 Name of the street you should drive on
4 Distance graph to turning-point
Before you drive through an intersection,
you will be informed of the continued rou-
te, e.g.
ț “Prepare to bear left soon” (advance
ț “Bear left after 250 feet”
ț “Please bear left”
Please note the following difference in
voice output
Following the course of the road Driving through an intersection
As you approach a junction or inter-
change (e.g. I-695), COMAND will advi-
se you the direction of travel to follow
(e.g. North) as well as the name of the
Situation Example of voice
Making a turn
onto a street
...turn left/right.
Driving through
an intersection
...bear left/right.