Checking Automatic Transmission
Fluid Level
When noticing fluid loss or gear shifting
malfunctions, have your authorized
Mercedes-Benz dealer check the
transmission fluid level.
Models S 420, S 500:
The transmission has a permanent fill
of automatic transmission fluid.
Regular automatic transmission fluid
level checks and changes are not
required. For this reason the dipstick is
Model S 320:
Dipstick locking lever
1 Break seal
2 Release
3 Engage
Regular automatic transmission fluid
level checks are not required. For this
reason the dipstick opening is sealed.
The transmission fluid level should
only be checked with the engine idling,
parking brake engaged and selector
lever in position "P". The vehicle must
be parked on level ground.
Prior to the check, allow engine to idle
for approx. 1 to 2 minutes.
To pull dipstick from tube, break seal
by moving plastic pin (1) sideways.
Then open cap by releasing locking
lever (2).
Measure fluid level with the dipstick
completely inserted and the locking
lever released (2).
Extreme cleanliness must be observed!
To wipe the dipstick, use a clean, lint-
free cloth.
To fill the transmission with fluid, pour
it through a fine-mesh filter into the
dipstick opening. Even the slightest
impurity may cause operational
The level of the transmission fluid is
dependent upon its temperature. Two
sets of maximum and minimum fluid
level marks on the dipstick are
applicable references only if the
transmission fluid has either reached its
normal operating temperature of 176°F
(80°C), or its temperature is 86°F
The fluid level must not exceed the
dipstick maximum mark. Drain or
siphon excess fluid, if required.
Then push dipstick all the way in and
swing locking lever downward (3).
Damage to transmission caused by
contamination of transmission fluid or
overfilling of transmission may result
in serious transmission damage which
is not covered by the Mercedes-Benz
Limited Warranty.