Customer assistance
After a case is reviewed, the Board
mails you a decision letter and a
form on which to accept or reject
the Board's decision. The decisions
of the Board are binding on Ford
(and, in some cases, on the dealer)
but not on consumers who are free
to pursue other remedies available
to them under state or federal law.
To request a DSB
For a brochure/application, speak
to your dealer or write/call to the
Board at the following
address/phone number:
Dispute Settlement Board
P.O. Box 5120
Southfield, MI 48086-5120
You may also contact the North
American Customer Assistance
Center at 1-800-392-3673 (Ford).
TDD for the hearing impaired:
1-800-232-5952 or by writing to the
Center at the following address:
Ford Motor Company
Customer Assistance Center
16800 Executive Plaza Drive
P.O. Box 6248
Dearborn, Michigan 48121
Before exporting your vehicle to a
foreign country, contact the
appropriate foreign embassy or
consulate. These officials can
inform you of local vehicle
registration regulations and where
to find unleaded fuel.
If you cannot find unleaded fuel or
can only get fuel with an anti-knock
index lower than is recommended
for your vehicle, contact a district
or owner relations/customer
assistance office.
The use of leaded fuel in your
vehicle without proper conversion
may damage the effectiveness of
your emission control system and
may cause engine knocking or
serious engine damage. Ford Motor
Company/Ford of Canada is not
responsible for any damage caused
by use of improper fuel.
In the United States, using leaded
fuel may also result in difficulty
importing your vehicle back into
the U.S.
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