POWER: (Continued)
setting, extended periods of full volume operation or in the rare instance of the other internal protection
circuits not catching a short in time. If the circuit breaker trips, turn the POWER and STANDBY switches to their OFF (down)
positions and reset the breaker by pushing it all the way back in. Then, check the speaker impedance and make sure you are not
loading the amplifier improperly or, if the breaker tripped due to playing at full volume for extended periods…turn down or get a
second amp and/or more cabs. If everything appears fine follow the cold start procedure and continue.
NOTE: If the Circuit Breaker should ever trip repeatedly, please disconnect the A.C. power cable and take the unit to a qualified
service technician or call us directly and ask to speak with a Product Specialist. Do not attempt to service the unit yourself!
There is very high current present in the TITAN power supply that could be dangerous or even deadly to the untrained.
NOTE: The TITAN draws close to 18 amps of current when used at its highest output levels. This may be more current than some
older homes can provide (if the home has 15 amp circuit breakers). Newer homes and most newer venues provide 20 amp lines,
but as you probably surmised, there is not much room left for a margin here. If you experience your circuit breakers tripping (the
home’s or the internal 20 amp breaker) try reducing the volume (playing loudness) and resetting the breaker. In most cases this will
be enough to put you back in the safety zone and deliver uninterrupted performance.
NOTE: Always use the supplied A.C. cable to power your TITAN and do not alter it in any way. Should you misplace or damage it,
contact us and ask for a Product Specialist who can send you one for a nominal charge.
The STANDBY switch mutes the entire signal for patching cables or when you want to remain powered-up, but not
hear anything from your amp during set breaks. The signal is muted at the Effects Loop SEND jack so that any signal being fed to
processors or other outboard gear will also be muted.
It’s a good practice to power up the TITAN with the STANDBY switch in the STANDBY (down) position and wait 30
seconds for the preamp tubes (and even the mosfets) to warm up before hitting them with signal. There are no power
tubes in the TITAN and this cold start procedure is not quite as critical for the 12AX7 preamp and driver tubes as it
would be for power tubes, but it will prevent unwanted signal from causing startling or damaging sound to ears, speak-
ers or recording/live consoles.
Now that we have covered the controls and features on the Front Panel, let’s move to the Rear Panel and learn the role of the
features located there.
FrONT PANeL: CONTrOLs & FeATures (Continued)