
Each channel of the 295 has one 1/4” input jack. In addition, a separate 1/4” jack on the rear
deck of the chassis (labeled "Parallel Inputs A & B") offers access to both channels
simultaneously. It is vital when using this jack that both channels be connected to separate
speaker loads, or damage to the output tubesnand/or transformer may result. You can listen
to each channel individually by using the Standby switches, although a slight distortion may
occur when using the Parallel Input jack if one channel is operating and the other is
"standing by" (This slight distortion disappears entirely as soon as both channels are
switched on). The inputs on the 295 are sensitive enough to permit direct connection of an
instrument without using a preamp (at least for test purposes, since good guitar sound
generally needs a preamp stage for tone shaping). In practice, this means the 295 can deal
with the output level of virtually any kind of preamp or effects unit, simply by adjusting the
Level controls provided. When using the MESA/Boogie Quad Preamp, for example, settings
of 2 to 5 are recommended for the 295's levels.
Each channel of the 295 offers two 8-ohm and two 4-ohm outputs (all 1/4” jacks) for
connecting speaker cabinets. Unlike transistor amps, the 295 will deliver full power at either
4 or 8 ohms, and mismatching of speaker impedance will not cause damage or severe loss
of power (extreme mismatches will decrease tube life, however). Avoid running either
channel without a proper load - or damage may result! When using more than one speaker
cabinet on a single channels remember that the total impedance goes down as more
cabinets are connected. For example, if you use one 8-ohm cabinet, use one of the 8-ohm
jacks. If you use two 8-ohm cabinets on the same channel, they will be operating in parallel
and the total load will then be 4 ohms. In that case, each cabinet should be plugged into a
4ohm jack.
AC Mains power is turned on via the Power Switch, and indicated by the pilot light. Before
switching on the power, place the Channel A/Channel B Switches into their "Standby"
positions. Allow 20 to 30 seconds of warm-up time before switching the Standbys to "ON".
This helps extend tube life by preventing a high voltage turn-on surge, however, all of our
amplifiers are tested to withstand this extra stress, just in case this procedure is neglected by
the user.
Located on the rear panel of the 295, these two switches - one for each channel - add an
upper mid-range boost which may be found desirable for "cutting through" in loud situations.
Its effect is subtle, however; if a more "radical" boost is needed, it should be dialed in on your