1 - Precautions.................................................. 01
2 - Overview...................................................... 1-2
3 - Installation................................................... 3
3 - 1 Unpacking............................................ 3
3 - 2 Location............................................... 3
3 - 3 Speaker Binding Posts....................... 3-4
3 - 4 Hook-Up Options................................. 4-6
A: Line Level Inputs............................... 4-5
B: Subwoofer.......................................... 5
C: Surround Sound Processor.............. 5
D: Bi-Amplification................................. 5-6
3 - 5 Detachable Power Cord...................... 6-7
3 - 6 A.C. On / Off Switch........................... 7
3 - 7 Warm / Operate Switches................... 7
3 - 8 Grounding Switch............................... 7-8
3 - 9 Congratulations................................... 8
4 - On Break-In................................................. 9
5 - Advanced Features.................................... 9-14
5 - 1 Tandem-State Imaging....................... 9-11
A: Triode / Pentode Switching............. 9-10
B: Adjustable Negative Feedback......10-11
5 - Advanced Features ( Continued )
5 - 2 Power Tube Blend............................. 11
5 - 3 Headphone Output............................ 11
5 - 4 Auto Bias.......................................... 11-12
5 -5 Class A Operation............................. 13-14
6 - On Triodes, Pentodes & Irishmen...........14-15
6 - 1 Triodes................................................ 15-16
6 - 2 Pentodes............................................. 16-17
7 - Tube Maintenance & Tube Rolling.......... 17
7 - 1 Maintenance Plan............................. 17
7 - 2 Tube Rolling..................................... 17
8 - Evolution of the TIGRIS........................ 18-19
9 - Mesa/Boogie Professional Heritage..... 19
10 - Customer Service................................... 20
11 - Trouble Shooting................................... 20-21
12 - On Specs Versus Performance............. 21
13 - Basic Specs............................................ 22
14 - Warranty..................................................22-24
14 - 1 With the US..................................... 22
14 - 2 Outside of the US............................ 22
Registration Form......................................... 23-24