3.2 RS232 Interface
The user can select the desired, flow control, baud rate, parity, and data
bits to be used in this output interface.
3.2.1 Baud Rate / Parity / Data Bits
The supported baud rate, parity, and data bit are listed below.
• Baud Rate : 38400 / 19200 / 9600 / 4800 / 2400 / 1200 / 600 / 300
• Parity : None / Even / Odd
• Data bit : 8 / 7
3.2.2 Flow Control
The user can further configure the flow (handshake) control method to be
used. The available options are listed below.
• No Flow Control
• Scanner Ready : The scanner will activate the RTS signal after
power on. After each good read the scanner will then wait for the
CTS signal becomes active. The data will not be sent until CTS
signal becomes active.
• Data Ready : The RTS signal will be activated after each good read.
The scanner will then wait for the CTS signal becomes active. The
data will not be sent until CTS signal becomes active.
• Inverted Data Ready : It is like the Data Ready flow control, but the
RTS signal level is inverted.
3.2.3 Inter-Character Delay
An inter-character delay of 0 to 255 ms can be configured to match the
computer response time. The delay time configured is inserted between
transmitting every character. The longer the delay time configured, the
slower the transmission speed will be. The inter-character delay is zero by
4. Symbology Parameters
This section describes user configurable parameters which are pertaining
to barcode symbologies.
4.1 Code39
• Standard / Full ASCII Code 39: User can choose to read either
Standard Code 39 or Full ASCII Code 39 by configuring this
• Start/Stop Transmission: This parameter specifies whether the
start/stop characters of Code 39 are included in the data being
• Checksum Verification: This parameter specifies whether the
scanner will perform checksum verification when decoding barcodes.
If the checksum is incorrect, the barcode will not be read.
• Checksum Transmission: This parameter specifies whether the
checksum character are included in the data being transmitted.
4.2 Italy / French Pharmacode
For Italy /French Pharmacode, there is always a checksum character
included in the barcode. So the checksum verification is always performed
when decoding these symbologies. User though can choose whether the
checksum character is to be transmitted or not. The start / stop
transmission of this code shares the same setting of Code 39.
• Checksum Transmission: This parameter specifies whether the
checksum character is included in the data being transmitted.
4.3 Industrial / Interleave / Matrix 25
• Start / Stop Selection: This parameter provides the readability of all
2 of 5 symbology variants. For example, flight tickets actually use an
Industrial 25 barcode but with Interleave 25 start / stop. In order to
read this barcode, the start / stop selection parameter of Industrial
25 should set to ‘Interleave 25.
• Checksum Verification: This parameter specifies whether the
scanner will perform checksum verification when decoding barcodes.
If the checksum is incorrect, the barcode will not be read.
• Checksum Transmission: This parameter specifies whether the
checksum character is included in the data being transmitted.
• Code Length Qualification: Because of the weak structure of the 2
of 5 codes, a partial scan has a high probability of decoding as a
valid but shorter 2 of 5 codes (known as short scan). To prevent this