Product Overview
The MS1890 is a rugged, high performance hand-held area imaging bar code
scanner that utilizes a high-resolution CMOS imaging sensor for superior image
quality. The MS1890 utilizes Omniplanar, Inc.’s Swiftdecoder
software for
reliable decoding of both 1D and 2D bar code symbologies. Sharp images can
be captured and transmitted in a variety of outputs, including: .jpg, .bmp, and .tiff.
Omnidirectional scanning capabilities and an extended depth of field provides
aggressive scanning of all standard 1D, RSS, PDF417, microPDF, EAN/UCC
Composite, Matrix and Postal Codes symbology types. Firmware updates are
easily loaded via Flash ROM.
The MS1890 provides a built in object detection sensor (IR) that instantly turns
on the scanner when an object is presented within the scanner’s field of view.
Model Number Interface
MS1890 – 11 IBM 468X/469X, RS232-TXD, RXD, RTS, CTS
MS1890 – 14 RS232 (TX, RX, RTS, CTS, DTR)
MS1890 – 38 Low Speed USB
MS1890 – 40 Full Speed USB
MS1890 – 47
Keyboard Wedge, Stand-Alone Keyboard and
RS232 Transmit/Receive