Supplemental Tests
Display Software Numbers
The following codes do not require that the MS2xx0 to be in scale
service mode.
These codes are for test purposes only.
The following code will display software #’s on the 2-digit diagnostic display.
The lasers will be turned off while the numbers are being displayed. The first
number is the main decode processor software number. The second number is
the I/O processor’s software number. Since only 2 digits can be displayed at a
time, the following sequence is used as an example of what may be observed:
Description of each sequentially displayed sets of digits.
(Example shown will represent: ‘ 15269’ ‘ 15138’)
x 1 =
The first digit of the five main decode processor software number
appears right justified.
5 2 = The second and third digits.
6 9 = The forth and fifth digits.
x x = Pause before next set of numbers.
x 1 =
The first digit of the five digit I/O processor software number
appears right justified.
5 1 = The second and third digits.
3 8 = The forth and fifth digits.
x = Blank / No Digit Displayed
After the last sets of digits are displayed, the scanner resumes scanning
operation. If the current interface does not use an I/O processor, the software
number may appear ‘ 0 00 00’. This capability exists in software 15269 and
Display Software Number